Saturday, March 24, 2007
Khang's way-overdue Testimonial..
First off,i've known khang since....form 1 right?yup...but sad to say i've never really gotten to know him until form 4..well we sorta just got talking and chatting online and stuff..
he's a really good person to talk to, a very good listener,always too humble for his own good,a gentleman (i remember the girls of form 4C just 'discussing' bout the boys of our class and then they sorta reached an accord that khang was one of the minute minority of them who would become a good that's how responsible and understanding he really is...),make's lame jokes which never fails to humour our class during immensely boring classes,the ultimate class moniter alongside Cute Cherling...(the list goes on....*out of breath*)
I'll never forget the times when khang use to tease siaw hui (and definitely successful in carrying out his ploys too!) thus making him vulnerable to taunts from others like Cikgu Anita-who's always saying,"hiyor khang wee!why you disturb siaw hui? like her is it??"...then the whole class erupts into fits of laughter often followed by additional teases on Akmal...hehehhe that bloke's such a pleasure to tease!!everyone would go,"ooo......akmal jealous!akmal jealous!!oh....akmal has competition!"That always cracks us up!
then there's the last-day-of-from-five-before-SPM-gone-wild day!khang was amongst the brave few who actually switched uniforms with the girls!!the funniest thing that i would remember happening on that day to khang was him attempting to 'getting implants' cause he was 'jealous' of noel's 'big boobs'...hahahha...while undergoing his operation of fitting the water balloons into his dress,it popped and soaked his entire dress....=)but the main thing was-WHAT A SIGHT IT WAS TO SEE KHANG IN A DRESS!!'s a courageous act khang...not many guys would actually do that...=)
hahaha....i stilll remember in miri,khang,mike,danny and I were playing ping pong in the gym till wee hours in the morning...hehe...that was crazy...i think khang left already right?but still..i had great fun!
oh ya!then remember the time when we were playing badminton with dex and mike??i felt so guilty....i made him fall down like bout 5 times cause he was trying to get the shuttlecock....sorry khang!!but the thing is...he's too talented la...he knows how to play almost every racket sport!badminton,tennis(he loves nadal!!hehehe...),table tennis...he even played soccer for his house and bball too!...don't play play or...hehehe..
What i'm trying to say is that khang is a great friend to everyone(always considerate,kind and humble),always willing to help others(although he can't finish his own work...too selfless...tisk tisk...)intelligent, so optimistic(even if he keeps the negativity for himself and consoles others with his wise words),definitely destined for a successful and bright future and is a fun person to be around with.
Looking forward to our friendship staying strong always khang!!(hahha...miss physics tuition...always fool around and we get to study at the same time too...)
Hope that's a satisfactory birthday present..hehhee...
Signing off..
Friday, March 23, 2007

I guess this sumo would prefer to be called "voluptuous" instead of big-sized and has taken the effort to get in his touch with his feminine side..

Bad hang overs....wonder what they'll be up to once they reach the 'ripe' age of 7 years old....

'Woosh' goes the your kilt!!...whoopss.......someone forgot their underwear....*Whistle*

Hope u had atleast a few moments of non stressful thoughts....

Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Pictures! Finally....
These are the five hot and sizzling,sherry,jayne,sjane,and triya...This was taken at the patio of my house!!oh ya...The one in black(Sherry) is my makeup artist...thanks for doing my makeup stupendously and in tremendous speed too!!(coz we thought we were late...hehehe)..Thanks also to Jayne!!!who did my hair....hehehe..The bush on my head was hard to handle but she made it straight with her flashy straightener!...
For now...these are just a few pics....till next entry!!(dang....don't have the picture where me mtyp and cel posed in front of a sign at the mooba fair that says "Lost Children"....will grab it from tian soon...hehhehe...
Lots of love and laughs...
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Just found a joke ...or more like STATEMENT to share...hehehe...sorry guys...i clipped it from some webpage....
Here are some reasons why it’s better to be female...
We got off the Titanic first.
We can scare male bosses with mysterious gynecological disorder excuses.
We never ejaculate prematurely.
We get to flirt with systems support men who always return our calls, and are nice to us when we blow up our computers.
We absently hum tunes from musicals without anyone being suspect of our sexuality.
When we buy a vibrator it is glamorous. When men buy a blow up doll it’s pathetic.
We don’t have to get our strength up between sessions...and it’s much easier for us to get "some" in the first place.
We can get off with teenagers without being called dirty oldperverts.
Our boyfriend’s clothes make us look elfin and gorgeous - guys look like complete idiots in ours.
We can be groupies. Male groupies are stalkers.
We can cry and get off speeding fines.
We live longer, so we can be cantankerous old biddies wearing inappropriate clothes and shouting at strangers......
Men die earlier so we get to cash in on the life insurance.
Taxis stop for us.
We’ve never fancied a cartoon character or the central figure in a computer game.
We don’t look like a frog in a blender when dancing.
Ok la ok la...since i don't want to be biased,this joke's kinda cool too but DEFINITELY NOT directed to women in general...
Once upon a time, a perfect man and a perfect woman met. After a perfect courtship, they had a perfect wedding. Their life together was, of course, perfect. One snowy, stormy Christmas Eve, this perfect couple was driving their perfect car (a Grand Caravan) along a winding road, when they noticed someone at the side of the road in distress. Being the perfect couple, they stopped to help. There stood Santa Claus with a huge bundle of toys. Not wanting to disappoint any children on the eve of Christmas, the perfect couple loaded Santa and his toys into their vehicle. Soon they were driving along delivering toys. Unfortunately, the driving conditions deteriorated and the perfect couple and Santa Claus had an accident. Only one of them survived the accident. The mind numbing question is: Who was the survivor?
Scroll down for the answer...
The perfect woman survived. She's the only one who really existed in the first place. Everyone knows there is no Santa Claus and there is no such thing as a perfect man. Women stop reading here. That is the end of the joke.
Men keep'a scrollin'...
So, if there is no perfect man and no Santa Claus, the perfect woman must have been driving. And that explains why there was a car accident. By the way, if you're a woman and you're reading this, this illustrates another point: Women never listen, either.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
another day
at lunch, a bunch of us was just chatting when we got to the topic of names...what are your nicknames?-that was the question...Triya-sjane's fellow boarder is known as Tri Tri or Tri in mathematics...she absolutely despises the nickname tho..hehehe
then another girl called Sherry...well she didn't have a nickname but one of the teacher's still tease her whenever they meet in school...she'd say, "hey sherry!how are you?how's your friend Brandy?" was so funny...the funnier thing is that...we were laughing about it and commenting on the teacher's lameness when atleast 2-3 minutes later,(i'm serious..) Carla who was listeing to us the whole time suddenly said "OH!!!now i get it!"..then there was a silent pause and everyone suddenly burst into peals of laughter!
then there was another girl in school called Wei Wei.Her friends call her wei times 2. then we start arguing that it should be wei square as well cause it wasn't MATHEMATICALLY correct...hehhehe..then suddenly we figured we should call her open-bracket-Wei-close-bracket-square....cause that is DEFINITELY mathematically correct...=p
during english today, we watched an interview between a tv personel and Tim Winton(a famous Western Australian writer and the author of our literature book-Minimum of two)...he mentioned one of his life changing experiences in life...this was roughly what he said...
"When i was younger i was sheltered, loved and protected from all the sufferings in reality...however, without my parents knowing, i use to stay up during the night and listen to my father and mother discuss issues and just gossip through my bedroom wall...You don't want to know how much i got to know my friends' parents!(laughs) then one night when my dad came home, he said he'd return from a fatality.He didn't tell me and my siblings what he meant but as a child, of course i was curious! so when my parents THOUGHT they'd tucked me in and went to their room i puckered up my ears not knowing what was in stall for me..
my father told my mum of one of the residents living in their town- a teenage boy- who just got his new car and he was just showing off his brand new attraction to the chicks.he decided to take a short cut through the woods and decided to drive out to the main road where he was knocked head on by a truck..My father who happened to be on his way home, immediately came out to help when he witnessed the terrible accident. before the boy could be taken to the hospital, he died in my father's arms..
It was since then that i realised how much suffering and pain existed out there.All the incidents i heard my parents talk about-father's flogging their kids,their mum's too dumbstruck and frightened to report or tell anyone...i grew interested in learning about life and i only told my parents about listening to them when i was dad then revealed that he felt it was his duty to protect his family from all this by not exposing me and my siblings to such tragedies."
It's so sad right????yet so inspiring and educational...Well...his book-the one we are reading now- is actually really really good!!it's just misunderstood cause it's hard to understand when you read it the first has hidden humour and unbelievable substance in such short short stories...HOWEVER, people who are suicidal and depressed should NOT read it ..i repeat...should NOT read it..lots of the stories kinda revolve around sad themes.But it is definitely a Grade A book...
Going for choir practice at Deepdene church tonight for Easter mass...looking forward to i gotta sign off now...Hope u all had a great day!!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
When daisies pied and violet blue,
and lady smock's all silver white,
and cuckoo buds of yellow hue
do paint the meadows with delight..
The cuckoo then on every tree
mocks married men
for thus sings he.
Mocks married men
for thus sings he!
Word of fear..
unpleasing to a married ear.
.....something like that..hehehe..i think i missed out a few lines here and there...there's the second part of the song which we learnt today which has the same tune but really cute and different lyrics..hehehe...You guys wud laugh anyway..hehe...gotta try to do physics now!bleks...have a physics SAC...erm TWO physics SAC next week...sigh..
hope you guys are studying hard for your foundation/VCE/A levels/matriculation and congrats to those with straight A1s whilst down with EST!!!!
Lots of love...
Monday, March 12, 2007
spectacular sunday
Anyway, things start getting really good...hehehe..first off,we met them at a restaurant where they were having their lunch(spaghetti-marinara for louis and mtyp while jeremiah apparently finishe his by the time we got there so....dunno).then we went to the ice cream shop where tian claimed that it was the 'best ice cream in melbourne'..the interesting thing is that he was raving about the snickers ice cream he had had taste buds went crazy!!(i'm a snickers-freak) i ended up getting a snickers and coffee ice cream combination..which was...heavenly...i could still feel the sweet goey mixture working its wonders on my tongue..*hungry!!
then we met up with celeste and roger...unsurprisingly,celeste suggested to go shopping as it would be a long while before we visited the moomba we took the tram to DFO-hehehe...cel bought this cute red handbag while we were scurrying the shops for cheap and good stuff...$10 bag!the guys on the other hand couldn't take the girly girly atmosphere so they had coffee from starbucks while we went window shopping!
we then went back to tian's apartment and jus hung bout southpark(=P..stupid show..),favourite shows,school stuff and everything we could remember...picked up sjane and went back again...started reminiscing bout the good old days and the topic of spm was always being brought up..grrr....Sjane was just so stressed bout the SACs next'll be fine dear!!!(if u worry,like i said,i'd be petrified...)
after steven and jeremiah returned form church we then went to the fair!!
I'll never forget the "CLAW"!!!sjane,tian,mtyp ,jeremiah and I were to only ones out of the group to try the ride...It was so fun!!!this contraption is like a wheel which kept revolving...while it took us up down sideways and upside down!!!Sjane and i were screaming with delight when we got off i we almost succumbed in to trying other rides but after spending rm7 an one ride...Poor mtyp was crying after she got off...must compliment her on her courage to try something that she never dreamed of trying....hugs mtyp!!! will never forget that exhilarating ride!!!*sobs...didn't get to go on the flower...
Anyway, we took a really nice picture with the beautiful night sky and the towering glittering structures in the background..went to have hungry jacks and then mtyp's bro was kind enough to drop my off at my house...
Thanks for a great night people!!!hope to see you city friends come down to camberwell for a change to see us suburbians..
sorry there's no pics yet...need to get them from tian and jeremiah...=p
Till the next entry!
Thanks for the great and fun night guys!!!hope to see u guys at camberwell this week...ok???it's your turn to come visit your peeps outside the city...
here are some pictures...ah..the unforgettable memories..
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Dedication to Jasmine
Well Jasmine is one heck of a girl...met her in like form one..still remember getting to arrange our tables parliment style(mrs.chan bah)then i happened to sit next to her...we were both sorta shy to chat at first but then for some funny reason we got to the topic on where we were living at and coincidentally,jasmine lived practically 100-150 metres behind my house...since then on,that physical connection between houses linked us both and we became friends!!muahahahaha....we sorta went to each other's house and i always received a joyful heart-warming welcome from her parents which are such optimistic and cool people...i love her mum's backyard!!!the fountain,the eden like look,the ginger flowers hanging above the small miniature lake,trees,shells in the relaxing...still remember jas?when we'd sit out there and talk about life,relationships,school and duh...gossip...=)...sally was there too!!!hehehe..
Over the past 5 years,jasmine has become an invaluable friend to me...she's always so bubbly(but when she's made u do NOT wanna mess with her),she's always so sweet,she's tough in her own way-(jas and I always utilise our forceful ways to make margaret eat and not over indulge herself in coffee..hehehehe)she constantly shows genuine concern for her friends,she's intelligent, artistic, outgoing,such a heartbreaker too(she's beautiful and such a boy magnet....can't blame her ba..she was born sizzling hot!)...hehehehe...i can never thank her enough for all the times she had helped me through tough times and put up with my unbearably thunderous sounding voice and fanatical ways...collaborating with sally,both of them have always kept my spirits up when things seem impossible and have supported me in all my endeavours...i definitely know what a true friend is like...
i just wanna tell you,jas,that i'm forever grateful and i hope that we'll remain friends throughout this lifetime...i'll never forget the times that we've helped each other and lent our shoulders to each palm can be ur punching bag anytime..."we must cherish the love we have,we must cherish the life we live...cherish the love..cherish the love..cherish the love..."well...jus replace 'love' with 'friendship' K?'s lyrics from a song..hehehe...
My only regret is that we didn't spend more time with each other...well time is never fair when it comes to good times...
hehehe...remember at tuition ,we use to laugh ourselves silly with ivan,tian,cel,lun,kim,jeremiah and tania?hehehhe...miss those times when we could still be as one class to talk and to laugh till our sides hurt...
hahah..can still remember lun going "What the hell???" while lifting his hands up with the shocking look on his face...hehehe...
hope you are excelling in your studies and getting along fine in KL...miss you lots and i hope to see you soon when july comes...u better be back in kch by then!!!Hope u had a blast on your birthday gorgeous!God bless you...
Lots of love~
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Friday night youth
One team-4players
1st person who knows what it is will write down a statement without using the word given so that player 2 in the team can guess what it is.
2nd person who guesses it would have to describe the object using mathematical terms or shapes to the 3rd player and guess what?you can't use the word 'lines'..(*sweat...)which makes it so difficult!!
3rd person who's listening would have to draw it out without the 2nd player looking at what he's drawing...
4th player would then have to guess what the third player has drawn
And the winner is the group whose 4th player guesses it right first...
Dang...our group-consisting of albert,adam(cousin),danny,li mei and I were winning at first...but then our winning streak sorta faded towards the end...
never mind la...
then it we worshiped(sang a few nice songs),listened to Xin talk bout his experience and his feelings when his grandpa died...thing that he stressed most and was the most memorable part of his sharing was that he regretted not being at his grandpa's side when he passed away and that he knew that his grandpa would have poured his heart out to Xin with wise words...
At that moment i felt compelled to shower my parents with hugs and kisses...(miss my daddy!!)
then we had a girls-only discussion...talked about our commitments for the week..what we were going to do about our relationship with God...we shared that having daily conversations with God is a great way of creating that special bond with God...Not only should we commence and end our days with a prayer but during the period in between,we should speak to god as he is our most trusted friend..Reijing(cousin's architecture buddy and best friend)and Michelle(cousin)are both devoting their time to the 'purpose Driven Life' journey(PDL for short)they have such a great understanding or God and christianity...-emulate them i must...hehehe
then we ended the session with a prayer...
we then had supper-we had noodles(my aunt cooked them),a special edition of puffpastry with lasagna filling and mouth watering scrumptious caramel squares...(REIJING made them!!!so nice....yummm...)
we talked till 11.30!!heheh then Xin drove me and michelle back home...had a great night ...came home,bathed,then started chatting!!!so nice to be able to talk to sally and many of my dear friends again and i was shocked to see sjane online at 1.00am!!!hehehe..finally slept with my laptop singing songs to me...hehee...gotta get the clothes from the clothes line much for my spectacular,gotta be great first entry...hehehe...