Our school's annual music concert was set for 7.30 that night.First we had to have the rehearsal at Hamer Hall that morning which was exhausting yet enjoyable...
First before we left the school premises,we had a role call to ensure everyone was present...turns out, Shery wasn't at school that morning. Although she had woken up early that morning, she didn't come to school..we all presumed she skipped school and well....Jayne wasn't too pleased..(she claimed that Shery had not been practising for Senior strings so she might be skipping the rehearsal due to certain intentions)...Jayne was fuming tho...=p
during the bus ride...seems like sjane and I were just plain bored...however we took some pictures and engulfed ourselves in our Lodge days...*sigh.... 
Taken in the bus...on the way to rehearsal...Sjane,wat would i be now if u didn't come to Gen!

The National Gallery of Victoria...I love this art gallery...had the privilege to explore this place years ago...btw,...i think i took a pretty ok pic ei?=p...
Mr. Blazejzach was quite stressed that morning as some some senior choir students were totally blur about the words to the songs that we were suppose to sing that night...we even came in at the wrong cue...hahahha... can u believe that?hehehe...we seemed so screwed but...we went on... The orchestra was terrific tho!(Thank God...i swear Mr. Blazejzach was about to explode from the pressure)
hahaha...during our rehearsal,coincidentally, we, the five asians were standing in a row AND we were positioned in the middle of the group...=) Go ASIANS!=p
went back home early that day...2.30pm...so we could prepare ourselves for the night...
At about 4 plus, went online to find Jeremiah who was apparently stressing bout his formal shirt cause he gave it a wash....in the washing machine...which is not a very good combination seeing that it was an Armani shirt...=p...anyway,since i had to go to the city,i decided to go early to check his so called "jiao jiao" shirt... On the way to the city i had the opportunity to witnessed a sad sight....At one bus stop,this blind man was tapping the side of the bus(at hearing the bus screeching to a stop,he must have known the bus was there).then he struggled to find the entrance by using his blind stick to assist him...the bus driver shouted direction to ensure he could get up the steps of the bus...then he cautiously climbed into the bus...the bus driver helpfully asked where he would like to stop and offered him as much assistance as possible...when we arrived at his desired stop i had to watch him, painstakingly plus a heavy heart, get off the bus and even worse, my eyes tailed his fragile body move as he tapped around so that he could get to the corner of the street where he wanted to cross the street!my gaze just happened to land on the bus driver's where he nodded and gave me the "you see?how strong this man is?" look...must be tough having to drift and wander round the city without the gift of sight...we are lucky arent we?but God has his reasons....
Didn't take a picture of the poor guy but this picture that i found on the Internet reminded me of him....he had frizzly white hair and was wearing spectacles of dark lenses...
was caught in a traffic jam while in the bus at the city...driven by fears of being late, i sorta ran to Tian's place so that he could take me to Jeremiah's...silly me...Both Jeremah and Tian were laughing at my school uniform...=p...Jeremiah's exact words were,''Sorry ah, but your uniform is quite ugly la!".....=p...Anyway,Jeremiah looked fine!!with Tian's advice on how to do his hair and how to straighten out his suit as well as his tie, he came out of the toilet looking the best he could...had a chat with them before jeremiah went to congregate all his friends at the lobby to wait for their taxi..
jeremiah styling his hair...=p

after all Tian's advice and personal touches to his look, Jeremiah's ready to make his big entrance at the formal!=p
Made it to Hammer Hall in time but being as stupid as i was, i went strolling round the place with Shery cause i couldn't find the choir members...who were actually already on stage!!!=p...luckily i bumped into Mr. Blazejzach who must have been pretty mad but he told me curteously that the choir members were already stationed on the stage...hahahha....
Took a picture with some of the choir girls before we went to watch the concert while we waited for our turn on the stage..All of them sang perfectly that night...=)
well the magical and enchanting night went on smoothly...the music and the singing performances were spectacular...the unexpected highlight of the night was that Jayne receiving an outstanding ovation from the audience as well as the entire female student body....she was awarded a specially made pair of music batons for her services as music captain 2007...Mr. Blazejzach seemed to be choking on tears when he made the presentation although i wasnt sure..hmmm...but Jayne did!!it was tears of joy!everyone was so proud of her...
I technically missed the bus home that night!!!it scared the living daylights out of me!Fortunately there were two bus routes that went thru Belmore road and therefore i just had to wait a little longer for the other bus...*whew...
got back at about 10.50pm..what a tiring day...but it was a nice day....one to remember...
One compact with laughter,tears(it was like deja vu of the Joseph musical....*sigh...Good times...),friendship,music,morality check and happiness....