It's been some crazy week for me....
after completing exams, i've just been working and going to the lab...sleeping at 3 am almost every morning(that's my fault tho...since i've been watching a movie every night before i sleep...=p)but i do reach home at about 11.30 pm avg anyway...
but yeah...despite that, the highlight of my week was....
"WICKED"!!! was a mind-blowing/spectacular/music/singing/acting sensation!tian was right...i should have got better seats eventhough sitting on Row T was actually WAS expensive just to buy backrow tix but it seriously was worth it...
grr... i should have bought the music cd instead of the program booklet !!grr...but's enough of a souveneir with the addition of the tix...
i wont expose the contents of it but seriously...whoever's a huge fan of broadwayand all that jazz, must not miss this...
yeah...that was wednesday night...
my thurs and fri was a little crazy now that i'm down with the flu + a sore throat...
Labs have been...lets just say that i was given a 2cm thick pile of just pure research material to's literally drowning in scientific blabber ( media ingredients,techniques, discoveries,research get the picture....)
the most exciting(maybe gruesome actually...) was watching the researchers "cervically dislocating" 5 mice at a time out of about 20 and then dissecting them(dont worry..the mice die instantaneously without pain)...all this just to get the "ampula" of these female mice located at the uterine horns just before the's only about 2 times the size of a needle hole btw....then after collecting these little sacs of embryos (or if the mice failed to mate with the designated male-just unfertilised eggs),they would then - under a high tech dissecting microscope - tear open these tiny sacs to collect the embryos, culture them and then use them for their respective experiments...
cruel you might say, this is what has to be done for us humans to get what WE vitro fertilisation, knowledge on embryonic/foetal development/abnormalities/mutations, vaccines and so on...
but one thing has kept me from fully learning and absorbing all this info....slppe deprevation...
yes...i have been constantly keeping myself from falling asleep every 20 mins in the lab (every few mins when i was counting flourescing cells in a stained embryo) so now i better start sleeping...
i'm leaving for the airport at 4 am for adelaide! more sleep but i am so gonna spend this upcoming 4 days devoting myself to spiritual growth and getting to know MORE ppl...
=D yet *yawn...
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
did you know?

did you know nanotechnology has enabled the possibility of forming a "shell" which consists of a single layer of a charged particle to form a medicine capsule?

did you know that action potentials which initiate nerve impulses are connected to circuits which contain capacitors?

did you know Jamie Lee Curtis(above) is rumoured to have this syndrome?So guys, whenever you look at this "hot" woman...think of how similar their genetic content is to yours...

did you know that there are you are more at risk of exposure to nuclear radiation by sleeping next to someone everynight than someone who sleeps alone?(due to the potassium in your body emitting radiation..

did you know that a scientist Henri Becquerel actually carried a glowing radioactive Radium salt in his vest pocket?

did you know that our epidermis houses billions of bacteria/microflora/other commensals?this includes your oesophagus, digestive tract, your exterior skin & even in the hair follicles of you eyebrows!This picture depicts a harmless commensal known as Demodex which lives in your eyebrow next time you feel it itching, think of them...lols*

did you know that parasites can hide in your muscles by encysting themselves in between the layers of muscles fibres thus avoiding your immune system? disgusting fellow....
did you know that the aurora borealis is the spectacular spiralling of UV light emitting electrons caused by the earth's magnetic field?
i never knew until Uni...
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
What a waste...
Higher priorities...
and for what?
I ask Your forgiveness...
it is this which is most despicable to me...
to You..
Higher priorities...
and for what?
I ask Your forgiveness...
it is this which is most despicable to me...
to You..
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
irremovable scars..
Was sitting in the Prince Philip Theatre dreading boring old Experimental Design & Data Analysis when my delightful friend *Kristen (who i havent seen for ages!) rocked up for this lecture!
She's this lovely girl from a foreign country..cultured, friendly, open & adorable!
of course we began the usual but desired regime on "how are you?!"s and all that...
how she's been lazy (like the rest of us...lols), how she's coping with a lonely life here in Melbourne, how her studies are going and so on....
amidst our full-of-laughter-but-partially-shushed-due-to-the-lecture conversation, she starts talking about her bf and her weekly (WEEKLY!) visits to *Adelaide to meet her boyfriend!
I was going "awhhh...." at first but then here comes the bomb shell...
Her face tells it all..As she tries to hide her true feelings, i notice glimpses of HER through that cracked mask...glints of fear, sadness, disappointment, exhaustion, anxiety....but she's been practising putting on her "makeup"...the "concealer" works well to strangers...
She begins revealing how her "kind & really nice" bf has been hitting her...
I was immediately paralysed...
She then goes on about her bf's anger explosions that eventually lead to her being bashed up...
The punching bag as we would call it..She tells me of her bruises on her body (if she'd showed me ,it'd be even more heartbreaking...) She ever so calmly tells me of her visits to the doctor who even advised her to report this dire issue to the authorities...
What could anyone do?
She said she loved him. Even casually joked that she won't go see him this time so that he'd feel guilty. She mentioned how he begged for her forgiveness when she told him that breaking up was what she he promised her that he'd stop his aggression once and for all but....(predictably..) in her last visit, he failed to keep his end of the bargain in this relationship...To the point where he (quote) "hit me(*Kirsten) in front of my sister.."
I was absolutely speechless....i've never had a friend who's been in such an ....(hate to say...)...abusive relationship...
Dumbfounded, i only manage to repeat to her to be really careful...asked her if her parents knew and shockingly-yes was her answer...she exclaimed how angry her mum was but i didnt ask if her mother actually did anything about it...Asked if she'd made up her mind on breaking up, she was still hesitant and indecisive...
The lecture soon came to a close...this was glued/stapled/plastered/caged/locked up in my mind...
As she walked out, i said be careful one last time...And that no one...absolutely NO ONE deserves to be hit like that...and that she deserves the best...She thanked me and left...
With her back facing me, i thought to myself - what a strong woman...still attending university, continuing with her life...
She really does deserve better...

* name and location has been changed to keep identities secret
She's this lovely girl from a foreign country..cultured, friendly, open & adorable!
of course we began the usual but desired regime on "how are you?!"s and all that...
how she's been lazy (like the rest of us...lols), how she's coping with a lonely life here in Melbourne, how her studies are going and so on....
amidst our full-of-laughter-but-partially-shushed-due-to-the-lecture conversation, she starts talking about her bf and her weekly (WEEKLY!) visits to *Adelaide to meet her boyfriend!
I was going "awhhh...." at first but then here comes the bomb shell...
Her face tells it all..As she tries to hide her true feelings, i notice glimpses of HER through that cracked mask...glints of fear, sadness, disappointment, exhaustion, anxiety....but she's been practising putting on her "makeup"...the "concealer" works well to strangers...

I was immediately paralysed...
She then goes on about her bf's anger explosions that eventually lead to her being bashed up...
The punching bag as we would call it..She tells me of her bruises on her body (if she'd showed me ,it'd be even more heartbreaking...) She ever so calmly tells me of her visits to the doctor who even advised her to report this dire issue to the authorities...
What could anyone do?
She said she loved him. Even casually joked that she won't go see him this time so that he'd feel guilty. She mentioned how he begged for her forgiveness when she told him that breaking up was what she he promised her that he'd stop his aggression once and for all but....(predictably..) in her last visit, he failed to keep his end of the bargain in this relationship...To the point where he (quote) "hit me(*Kirsten) in front of my sister.."
I was absolutely speechless....i've never had a friend who's been in such an ....(hate to say...)...abusive relationship...
Dumbfounded, i only manage to repeat to her to be really careful...asked her if her parents knew and shockingly-yes was her answer...she exclaimed how angry her mum was but i didnt ask if her mother actually did anything about it...Asked if she'd made up her mind on breaking up, she was still hesitant and indecisive...
The lecture soon came to a close...this was glued/stapled/plastered/caged/locked up in my mind...
As she walked out, i said be careful one last time...And that no one...absolutely NO ONE deserves to be hit like that...and that she deserves the best...She thanked me and left...
With her back facing me, i thought to myself - what a strong woman...still attending university, continuing with her life...
She really does deserve better...

* name and location has been changed to keep identities secret
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sometimes there are times when things just don't fall into Place... Right now, i'm thinking ...pondering... About not achieving what I really yearned for... Nothing can turn back the clocks... Enough said, it was my fault for not Digesting the advice & warnings and acting on it..
Anger,frustration... Not today....not today... Keep calm, stay optimistic... Learn from your mistakes... Enough regret, look forward...
Saturday, August 30, 2008
31st August 2008

Remember Cikgu Chai teaching us batik during Art class?haha...those were the fun(lazy) high sch periods...

How i miss nasi lemak...the sambal, the deep fried fish, the roasted & fried peanuts & ikan bilis...
merdeka in Kch was just about having an extra day off from sch..
here in Melbourne...Malaysians actually celebrate what we neglect back home..
Clubbin', a potluck, going to the Fiesta Malaysia at Fed Square this Sunday perhaps?
Music, Malaysian traditional products on sale...(sumtimes the supposedly "malaysian-made" products on sale could be just "Made in China" =p) but i heard...that there wasn't gonna be any Msian food on sale (at all) at Fed Square??? smtg bout not being able to get the permits and stuff...
so not Msian...
The independence of your country of birth...where you spent the last 17 years relishing the peace and prosperity of this nation...leeches as we are, we take this relatively crisis-free country for granted...Just insulting/mocking whatever form of patriotism that comes our way because's "uncool" or "weird"...
Malaysia...despite its government's (sadly) declining competency, my heart still belongs to my Malaysia...
what does 31st of August actually MEAN to you?
Thursday, August 28, 2008
"I wondered what happened when you offered yourself to someone, and they opened you, only to discover you were not the gift they expected and they had to smile and nod and say thank you all the same."
~Jodi Picoult - My Sister's Keeper
~Jodi Picoult - My Sister's Keeper
"Once in second grade, Kate drew a picture of a firefighter with a halo above his helmet. She told her class that I would only be allowed to go to Heaven, because if i went to Hell, I'd put out all the fires."
~Jodi Picoult - My Sister's Keeper
~Jodi Picoult - My Sister's Keeper
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
only human
A squirrel in the tree is he watching me
Does he give a damn?
Does he care who I am?
I'm just a man, is that all I am
Are my manners misinterpreted words or only human?
I'm human
Murderous crow, hey what you know
What you reading about, what you hold in your toes
Is that a twig, are you a dove of peace
A black dove undercover, with another puzzle piece
Are you a riddle to solve all along?
Or am I over thinking thoughts of human after all
Only human
Made of flesh, made of sand, made of you and me
The planet's talking about a revolution
The natural laws ain't got no constitution
They've got a right to live their own life
But we keep paving over paradise
`Cause we're only human
Yes we are, only human
If it's our only excuse do you think we'll keep on being only human
Yes we are, yes we are
Only human, only human, only human
So far
Up in the major's tree, the one he planted back when he was just a boy
Thinking 1923
Thirty meters and a foot, take a look, take a climb
What you'll find is the product of a seed
The seed is sown, all alone
It grows above, with a heart of love
Sharp and shelter of the animals of land and cold weather breathing
We're all breathing in
The planet's talking about a revolution
The natural laws ain't got no constitution
They've got a right to live their own life
But we keep paving over paradise
`Cause we're only human
Yes we are, only human
If it's our only excuse do you think we'll keep on being only human
Yes we are, only human, only human, so far, so far
And this place it will outlive me
Before I get to heaven I'll climb that tree
And I will have to give my thanks
For giving me the branch to swing on
If I ever fall in love
I'll have to give myself a baby
I will let my children have their way
`Cause we're only human, yes we are
Only human, so far, so far
Does he give a damn?
Does he care who I am?
I'm just a man, is that all I am
Are my manners misinterpreted words or only human?
I'm human
Murderous crow, hey what you know
What you reading about, what you hold in your toes
Is that a twig, are you a dove of peace
A black dove undercover, with another puzzle piece
Are you a riddle to solve all along?
Or am I over thinking thoughts of human after all
Only human
Made of flesh, made of sand, made of you and me
The planet's talking about a revolution
The natural laws ain't got no constitution
They've got a right to live their own life
But we keep paving over paradise
`Cause we're only human
Yes we are, only human
If it's our only excuse do you think we'll keep on being only human
Yes we are, yes we are
Only human, only human, only human
So far
Up in the major's tree, the one he planted back when he was just a boy
Thinking 1923
Thirty meters and a foot, take a look, take a climb
What you'll find is the product of a seed
The seed is sown, all alone
It grows above, with a heart of love
Sharp and shelter of the animals of land and cold weather breathing
We're all breathing in
The planet's talking about a revolution
The natural laws ain't got no constitution
They've got a right to live their own life
But we keep paving over paradise
`Cause we're only human
Yes we are, only human
If it's our only excuse do you think we'll keep on being only human
Yes we are, only human, only human, so far, so far
And this place it will outlive me
Before I get to heaven I'll climb that tree
And I will have to give my thanks
For giving me the branch to swing on
If I ever fall in love
I'll have to give myself a baby
I will let my children have their way
`Cause we're only human, yes we are
Only human, so far, so far
Sunday, August 24, 2008
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