Remember Cikgu Chai teaching us batik during Art class?haha...those were the fun(lazy) high sch periods...

How i miss nasi lemak...the sambal, the deep fried fish, the roasted & fried peanuts & ikan bilis...
merdeka in Kch was just about having an extra day off from sch..
here in Melbourne...Malaysians actually celebrate what we neglect back home..
Clubbin', a potluck, going to the Fiesta Malaysia at Fed Square this Sunday perhaps?
Music, Malaysian traditional products on sale...(sumtimes the supposedly "malaysian-made" products on sale could be just "Made in China" =p) but i heard...that there wasn't gonna be any Msian food on sale (at all) at Fed Square??? smtg bout not being able to get the permits and stuff...
so not Msian...
The independence of your country of birth...where you spent the last 17 years relishing the peace and prosperity of this nation...leeches as we are, we take this relatively crisis-free country for granted...Just insulting/mocking whatever form of patriotism that comes our way because well...it's "uncool" or "weird"...
Malaysia...despite its government's (sadly) declining competency, my heart still belongs to my home...my Malaysia...
what does 31st of August actually MEAN to you?
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