"I wanna be a rock star!"*play the 'invisible' guitar...

"A soldier is what i wanna be!i fight and shoot at people for fun! hahahhaha!"*start to run around the house pretending to be stuck in the middle of a shootout on the war field....

"i want to be a fairy princess!"*dancing ,doing pirouets and dreaming...

now however,it's amazing how we've evolved..outgrowing our unrealistic dreams...
Many of you will pursue ambitious and demanding careers..made up your mind yet on what are you going to study to deepen your knowledge on what you want to make of yourself in the near future?
engineers, economists, lawyers, vetenarians, physiologists, dentists, business men and women, chefs, actors or actresses,



The list goes on....
my dilemma....
i wanna captain west ham
tiff, uve not been yourself these few days.. due to problems which u don deserve.. but u must always rmbr to do what u like, but be practical as well.. we all haf dreams, its up to u to realise it.. be sensible n realistic at the same time tho..
u girls have it easier..
i cant stay home and cook n clean while my wife earns the moeny :P
ME i wanna b pro accountant!
I'm gonna be an alchemist!! 8D They say it can't be done, but just you wait =P
Maybe Tiff, consider those options that seems the most unlikely. Don't brush it aside thinking it would not earn money because if thats the case, only Doctors are rich. =)
Think of options other than in the scinece sector. OMG, Laptop is dying again?!?! arh, can't spoil....
Yes, so, Think carefully and HARD!
wao nice occupation km =P
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