Just a little horoscope enlightenment to brighten the days of you Leos and Virgos this month...

Leo July 23-August 22
Symbol: The Lion
Ruling Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Cross/Quality: Fixed
Group: Intellectual
House Ruled: Fifth
Polarity: Positive
Opposite Sign: Aquarius
Favorable Colors: Gold/ Orange
Lucky Gem: Ruby
Key Body Part: Heart & Spine
Basic Profile:Outgoing, warm, friendly, generous, loyal, likable, entertaining, likes attention, confident, cheerful, creative, strong-willed, charismatic, proud, extrovert, but can be demanding, dogmatic, controlling, afraid of rejection
Famous Leos:Whitney Houston, Fidel Castro, George Bernard Shaw, Madonna, Andy Warhol, Robert Redford, Dustin Hoffman, Napoleon, Alfred, Hitchcock, Carl Jung, Mae West, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Robert De Niro, Tipper Gore, Arnold Scharzenegger, Herman Melville, Stanley Kubrick, Peter O'Toole, Emily Bronte, Amelia Earhart, Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky
Virgo August 23-September 22
Symbol: The Virgin
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Element: Earth
Cross/Quality: Mutable
Group: Intellectual
House Ruled: Sixth
Polarity: Negative
Opposite Sign: Pisces
Favorable Colors: Navy &Neutrals
Lucky Gem: Peridot
Key Body Part: NervousSystem
Basic Profile:Analytical, rational, fair, methodical, talented, planner, hardworking, discriminating, tasteful, motivated, reserved, intelligent, creative, orderly, structured, but can be critical, rigid, sarcastic, snobbish, narrow-minded
Famous Virgos:Stephen King, H G Wells, Leonard Bernstein, Michael Jackson, Sophia Loren, D. H. Lawrence, Queen Elizabeth, Sean Connery, Ingrid Bergman, Oliver Stone, Dorothy Parker, Bruno Bettleheim, Geraldine Ferraro, Julio Iglesias, Marcia Clark
i'd just love to acknowledge these ppl who were born in this joyful month of August..
hope i remember all of them...sorry if i don't...in order of the days:
Louis, Ijaz, Alena,
Adrian, Marianne, Kai lun,
Doogle, Pauline, Deanne,
Lik hui, Judith, Jeremiah,
Joyce, Mike, Danielle, MUM!
i just wanna wish all these ppl a happy birthday in advance!!!!hope this year will hold for you many more surprises, opportunities, and life changing experiences...may God bless u and shower you with his blessings always...
Lots of love,
u forgot someone tif! U! :)
wrong, someone else! hahahahaha
U forgot Jeremiah n urself. Actually got a lot others la. But dun think need mention so many. Hahaha... Later can nvr end.
oh crap...*blush...how can i forget jeremiah's ...
thanks mike...and the post is a greeting to others ba...=)
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