You must watch "Juno"...It's absolutely Really funny...(like actually funny without being stupid like jim carey...=p)it's serious....it's eye opening....it's sad....it's lively....
I noe this post is kinda long...but if u really appreciate real humour,read it...it's a treat...
(this just explains the name Juno...ahhaha)
Juno: My dad had this weird obsession with Roman or Greek mythology or something and he decided to name me after Zeus' wife.
Mark: Zeus' wife?
Juno: Well, yeah, I mean he got a lot of lays and stuff but this was his wife and supposedly she was beautiful and really mean. Kind of like Diana Ross.
Juno: You should've gone to China, you know, 'cause I hear they give away babies like free iPods. You know, they pretty much just put them in those t-shirt guns and shoot them out at sporting events.
Juno: I think I'm, like, in love with you.
Paulie: You mean as friends?
Juno: No, I mean, like, for real. 'Cause you're, like, the coolest person I've ever met, and you don't even have to try, you know...
Paulie: I try really hard, actually.
Juno: Yeah, I'm a legend. You know, they call me the cautionary whale.
[at Juno’s ultrasound]
Leah: Dude that thing looks freaky.
Juno: I am a sacred vessel; all you got in your stomach is taco bell.
Juno: As far as boyfriends go, Paulie Bleeker is totally boss. He is the cheese to my macaroni.
Juno: You should try Adderall.
Su-Chin: No thanks. I'm off pills.
Juno MacGuff: Wise move. I know this girl who had a huge crazy freakout because she took too many behavioral meds at once. She took off all her clothes and jumped into the fountain at Ridgedale Mall and she was like, "Blaaaaah! I'm a kraken from the sea!"
Su-Chin: I heard that was you.
Ultrasound Technician: Well, there it is. Would you like to know the sex of your baby?
Leah: Yes!
Juno: No!
Leah: Pllleease!
Ultrasound Technician: Plenty to be suprised about when you deliver.
Juno: Well, you know, I want Mark and Vanessa to be suprised, and if you tell me, I'll just like, totally ruin it.
Ultrasound Technician: Are Mark and Vanessa your friends at school?
Juno: No, they're the adoptive parents.
Ultrasound Technician: Oh. Well thank God for that.
Bren: Whats that supposed to mean?
Ultrasound Technician: Well, its just that I see a lot of young mothers come through here, its obviously a poisonous environment for a baby.
Juno: Wait a minute! How do you know I'll be such a poisonous environment! How do you know Mark and Vanessa wont be some, crazy, whacked out pedophiles or something?
Leah: Or stage parents?
Bren: They could be utterly incompetent. Theres no guarentee they'll do a better job raising this child than my dumbass step-daughter will... What is your job title?
Ultrasound Technician: I'm an ultrasound technician.
Bren: Oh yeah? Well I'm a nail technician and I think we both ought to just stick to what we know.
Ultrasound Technician: Excuse me?
Bren: Oh, you think you're hot shit 'cause you get to sit over there and play pictionary, well guess what? My five year old daughter could do that and let me tell you, shes not the brightest bulb in the tanning bed. So until you have your own kid, why dont you just go back to nightschool in Manteno and get a real job.
Juno: ...Whoa Bren! You's a dick! I love it!
Juno: Ow, ow, f***ity-ow! Bren, when do I get that spinal tap thing?
Bren: It's called a spinal block. And you can't have it yet, honey. The doctor said you're not dilated enough.
Juno: You mean I have to wait for it to get worse? Why can't they just give it to me now?
Bren: Well, honey, doctors are sadists who like to play God and watch lesser people scream... [Juno lets out painful scream, Brenda checks her watch]
Bren: S***. [to doctor]
Bren: Hey, can we get my kid the damn spinal tap already?
Mac (Juno's dad): In my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person will still think the sun shines out your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with.
Juno: I sort of already have.
Mac: Well, of course! You're old D-A-D! You know I'll always be there to love and support you no matter what kind of pickle you're in... Obviously [nods to her belly]
Juno: I need to go out somewhere just for a little while. I don't have any homework and I swear I'll be back by ten.
Mac: You were talking about me right?
Hope that gave u a pretty good incentive to watch the movie =)
will your fren accept you for who you are or push you to be larger than who you are?
haha this is cute. :)
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