Monday, March 10, 2008


Have you had the weirdest/amazing/puzzling dreams?

sometimes it conveys our actual intentions in life...

or perhaps it captures our darkest fears or deepest passion...

or perhaps it's a fusion of our hidden desires with our normal daily routine...

or perhaps just a figment/fabrication of our pent-up imagination...

or perhaps it's a piece of our past experiences...(either joyful, heartbreaking or terrifying)..

or perhaps (as myths and legends and old grandmother's tales tell us) that our dreams might be a prediction of the future...(*raise eyebrow?)

whatever it is...
dreams are unstoppable, inevitable,..our thirst for it is unquenchable...

For some dreams however, i should make it a reality instead of just a vision that appears to me at night...

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Dreams can be overpowering. Reality however is a greater fear. To be able to live it,day by day is a great blessing! Tiff, oh how I miss you! :(
