Things that come to mind when i think of Jasmine are...

Happy happy birthday!!!
freaking fell asleep last night so i wasnt the first to wish you at 12 am...(dang...)
Anyway,....really...there's absolutely nothing!!(NOTHING!!!) i can say to express how much i appreciate your friendship over the last 6(going on 7) years...
Jasmine, i cant believe we became friends in such an instantaneous, spontaneous, and random manner...
*Form 1 -unorthodox seating arrangement by (the then) Mrs. Chan....Parliament style...
Just so happened both of us we placed next to each other...(introduced ourselves and said the normal hellos + how are you going...)
(If i was a journalist,i'd be sued billions for inaccurate 1st of all, this upcoming convo is only a ROUGH sketch of what actually happened...=p)
Tiffany: So where do you live?
Jasmine: Jalan Stampin Timur..
Tiffany: Are you serious?omgosh...i live in Jalan stampin timur too!!!which Lorong?
Jasmine: hahahahha....really??lorong 4b.
Tiffany: =p...lols...i live along 4a...
Jasmine: Isn't it that lorong just in front of mine?
Tiffany: I think so...(blur moment*)
Jasmine: We can just use that small alley to get to each other's lorong right?
Tiffany: yeah!!!
Jasmine: woohoo!come visit!come visit!!
Tiffany: Of course!!cant believe we lived so close to each other for such a long time already...
And that was the beginning of a new friendship....muahahahhaha...=D
This slumber-loving, tiny,seemingly quiet gal should never be underestimated...(Take my advice...i KNOW) her wonderful, bubbly, carefree personality just relaxes all the ppl around her, creating that couldn't-be-bothered yet fun atmosphere...(conducive for bonding/gossiping/fooling around/completing projects too!!!)I miss those times...
Coupled with diligence ( although she wreaks of laziness =D, she knows when to be hardworking whenever she faces what she prioritizes most...) is her brilliance in languages, public speaking and tons more...( Deny all you want...but i'm sure the 2006's 5C will admit how terrific you are in speech especially...=p)
She's flamboyant person when it comes to her opinions ,persistent in her ambitions and yet humble all the way...She is a great person to talk and share your secrets with as she's like a safe with the highest security lock. Most importantly, she conveys that air of modesty, confidence and kindness that really keeps all of her friends in awe of her..
....I just had a revelation!!! I think scientists will find the secret of the Human pheromone in Jasmine!!!hahahha....*sweat...too many guys chase her as if all the guys in the world have been stuck by Cupid's's not surprising though...=p...
"She is beautiful inside and outside...=D really!" ~ Anonymous
Thanks Jasmine for all we've been through all these's been and will continue to be a pleasure knowing you...
I believe that you will achieve what you want in the next few years especially...know you in you is what i don't have little of...keep in touch and stay strong!!
PS:the rainbow coloured entry=insprired by Jas' love for colours...hahahhahahhahaha
hey tiff,
the previous comment came out with weird symbols! woooohooo thanks alot blogger!!( with a heaping serving of sarcasm) anyway heres wad i wrote :)
thanks for the sweet post!
now u misled everyone to think im an angel! hehe which is aint too bad. i shall read it again and again to comfort myself when ppl say mean things about me! muahahaha
ego ego
thx again dear. all the best in melb
ps: ITS SO AMAZING HOW WE BECAME FRENS!i can still remember we were all polite and careful at 1st then when we realise how close we lived..BOOM! we started talking like we were friends who havent seen each other for 20 yrs. drastic change in a 10 minute convo.
good times! and more to come ;P
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