Wednesday, April 7, 2010

inspired or just plain lazy/procrastinator

You can obviously tell which is from the BBQ i had with some cousins and the other that i've kinda made just 2 hrs ago just so i can NOT do work...sigh...

Lingering on my tongue....
the taste of the sashimi dipped in soy and wasabi....the fresh salad louis made rich in tomatoes,capsicum, bacon strips, sauteed mushrooms, lemon juice, rocket & lettuce leaves and lovely halves of hard-boiled egg to complete it....the salty buttered, crisp corn on the cob....the beautifully grilled fresh prawns...the bulgogi flavoured beef strips...finale - ing with Charmaines crunchy-on-the-outside-and-fudgy-in-its-centre brownies with cookies & cream ice cream...

what a bbq
ANYWAY, mine tasted good....? hmm....not often do i cook which is an accomplishment in itself!

Medium rare lamb cutlets - which were tenderized and flavoured in the garlic, olive oil and rosemary marinade - on top of a bed of wilted symphony of spinach es...

topped off with my mum's kick-arse fresh chilli paste which i stirred into a tangy mint sauce, that lamb was heaven....

Know you want some, dad...mum can ALWAYS cook better for you...=)Hope your headache is gone and that Sibu's hotel treats you decently...=p

and now back to reality and the realisation that holidays are drawing to a close...*meh..

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