Saturday, April 10, 2010

What about Japanese men.........

Very interesting...watched this tv report just then....

My summary.....

The masculinity of Japanese men has degraded evolved from the dignified kamikaze-rather-die-than-surrender extremity to a high maintenance, self-indulgent one.....

Current biodata of a typical Japanese male:
- Spoiling themselves
- No interest in relationships, only materialistic and career-driven goals
(A recent survey found that one third of Japanese men aged between 20 and 34 had never even had a girlfriend, because most weren't even interested)
- <3s things like strawberry tea, manicures, going to the saloon, sweets... Mens bras - a lucrative industry...(who would've thought...) "[seller talking about client] when he wears the bra, he said he feels calm.." "Herbivorous" men vs. "Carnivorous" women Type "japanese men" on Google and see what comes up..........


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