Wednesday, October 29, 2008

did you know?

did you know nanotechnology has enabled the possibility of forming a "shell" which consists of a single layer of a charged particle to form a medicine capsule?

did you know that action potentials which initiate nerve impulses are connected to circuits which contain capacitors?

did you know that our heart is a "magnet" everytime impulses are sent throughout its muscular form to enabling pumping of blood?Above is just a magnificent picture of the Earth's magnetic field interacting with the Sun's.

did you know that there are guys (genetically with the XY sex chromosome) can LOOK (phenotypically) like a girl?testicular feminization syndrome...

did you know Jamie Lee Curtis(above) is rumoured to have this syndrome?So guys, whenever you look at this "hot" woman...think of how similar their genetic content is to yours...

did you know that there are you are more at risk of exposure to nuclear radiation by sleeping next to someone everynight than someone who sleeps alone?(due to the potassium in your body emitting radiation..

did you know that a scientist Henri Becquerel actually carried a glowing radioactive Radium salt in his vest pocket?

did you know that our epidermis houses billions of bacteria/microflora/other commensals?this includes your oesophagus, digestive tract, your exterior skin & even in the hair follicles of you eyebrows!This picture depicts a harmless commensal known as Demodex which lives in your eyebrow next time you feel it itching, think of them...lols*

did you know that parasites can hide in your muscles by encysting themselves in between the layers of muscles fibres thus avoiding your immune system? disgusting fellow....
did you know that the aurora borealis is the spectacular spiralling of UV light emitting electrons caused by the earth's magnetic field?

i never knew until Uni...

Sunday, October 19, 2008


to always be yourself

to do what you've always dreamed of

to be "high" on euphoria/just plain sugar =D

to have the utmost confidence in yourself

to have a wonderful family/amazing friends

to feel secure

to be surrounded by love

to love...

possibility of any: infinitesimal OR infinite?

you're the judge

Monday, October 6, 2008

Khalil Fong

Goodbye melody rose...
song + voice...

What a waste...





Higher priorities...

and for what?

I ask Your forgiveness...

it is this which is most despicable to me...

to You..

pictures speak for themselves

guess what the pigs are up to...=p..
the mystery
of 23/09/08